
Cyprus posts surplus of 1.6% of GDP in January

Cyprus posts surplus of 1.6% of GDP in January

Cyprus recorded in January a general government surplus of 566.9 million euros (1.6% of GDP) according to the preliminary fiscal data by the Statistical Service (CyStat).

The service said on Monday that the corresponding surplus for January 2024 amounted to €476.5 million (1.4% of GDP).

Total revenue in January increased by €194.3 million (+14.3%) to €1.55 billion, compared to €1.36 billion in the corresponding month of 2024.

Taxes on production and imports increased by €40.2 million (+11.3%) and amounted to €396.3 million, compared to €356.1 million in 2024, of which net VAT revenue increased by €8.4 million (+3.5%) to €249.7 million, compared to €241.3 million in 2024.

Revenue from taxes on income and wealth increased by €52.2 million (+9.7%) to €592.7 million, compared to €540.5 million in 2024. Property income increased by €2.8 million (+37.4%) and amounted to €10.3 million, compared to €7.5 million in 2024.

Revenue from the sale of goods and services increased by €56.6 million to €109.3 million, from €52.7 million in 2024. Social security contributions grew €29.9 million (+7.8%) and reached €415.1 million. 

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