
Kampong Speu will organise bigger Songkranta event to attract tourists

Kampong Speu will organise bigger Songkranta event to attract tourists

The Kampong Speu provincial administration is preparing to organise a bigger Sangkranta event than last year to celebrate the traditional Khmer New Year, which will be held on April 14-16, to enhance the atmosphere for the people of the province and national and international tourists.

Ros Sok, Director of the Kampong Speu Provincial Tourism Department, told local news that this year, the province will organise a bigger Kampong Speu Sangkranta than last year to attract national and international tourists to come and enjoy the festival and create a happy atmosphere for the upcoming Khmer New Year.

In addition, the provincial administration is also preparing to decorate important areas in the province with colourful lights to celebrate the Khmer New Year, strengthen security, order, and hygiene, and improve food service.

Sok said that in order to attract more tourists to come and relax in Kampong Speu province during the New Year festival, the department has prepared and implemented a number of activities, such as improving the quality of services and tourism products at major destinations that are very attractive, disseminated the contents of the six guidelines, reminding about maintaining product quality, protecting the environment, hygiene, and maintaining reasonable prices for products and services, monitoring the prices of food and accommodation services to avoid price gouging during the Khmer New Year. AKP

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