The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) on Friday released a statement detailing its actions for this year’s Global Money Week 2025 (GMW 2025).
According to the announcement, these include a variety of informative and educational activities.
“Global Money Week is the annual international campaign, aimed at raising awareness about the importance of financial education for young people”, the commission noted.
It added that “its goal is to help them gradually acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours necessary to make sound financial decisions and to achieve financial well-being and resilience”.
Spearheaded by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), GMW 2025 will run from March 17-23, 2025.
CySEC stated that it is focusing its efforts on addressing the opportunities, challenges, and risks presented by the digital financial environment. As part of these initiatives, it added, a series of activities are planned.
Firstly, the chair of CySEC is set to deliver a lecture at the University of Limassol on March 17, 2025, while CySEC officials will also give speeches and presentations at various schools.
In collaboration with the Education Ministry, the commission will distribute educational material to schools to enhance financial literacy.
Additionally, CySEC will create a dedicated section on its financial education portal, offering useful resources for educators to support school activities during Global Money Week.
The commission will also contribute to media publications by providing articles, interviews, and educational guides to raise public awareness.
Meanwhile, social media campaigns will be launched alongside these activities, particularly targeting younger audiences who are more engaged with digital platforms.
Furthermore, CySEC said that it is developing an educational quiz focused on identifying traps and scams in the digital financial environment.
This will be made available on the Financial Education Portal hosted on CySEC’s official website.
Activities are also being planned within the framework of the Cyprus Committee for Financial Literacy and Education (CyFLEC), in the board of which CySEC participates.
Specifically, on March 13, 2025, the members of CyFLEC held an international conference titled “Financial Literacy for the Youth: Preparing the Next Generation.”
As part of the parallel financial events held, CySEC hosted an interactive workshop titled “Dialogue with Stakeholders and CyFLEC’s Associates”.
Additionally, two educational guides have been prepared – one for educators and one for students – featuring training material, practical examples and financial tips, which were circulated to schools.
CySEC chairman George Theocharides underlined the “importance of making smart financial decisions, urging investors to access to reliable sources of information“.
“Empowering citizens with the skills to identify opportunities and manage risks in the ever-evolving world of digital financial products and services is more essential than ever,” he said.
According to CySEC’s Elena Karkoti, who is tasked with overseeing the organisation’s financial education initiatives, “the commission’s goal is to enhance the capacity of citizens—particularly young people—to manage their finances in the digital environment with safety, foresight, and confidence”.
“Financial literacy from an early age equips young people with skills, confidence, and the tools needed to make smart financial decisions in the future,” she said.
“The ability to identify misleading or fraudulent investment proposals is a key tool for protection,” she added.
“We particularly wish to highlight that making financial decisions under pressure or emotional stress involves significant risk,” Karkoti continued.
“Special caution is needed when the seller or influencer appears to be pressuring the investor to make a quick decision, and this especially true when this comes from unverified sources on social media,” she concluded.