
A large cruise ship carrying 1,355 multinational tourists docks in Sihanoukville

A large cruise ship carrying 1,355 multinational tourists docks in Sihanoukville

A large cruise ship docked at Sihanoukville Autonomous Port on March 28, 2024, carrying 1,355 multi-national tourists and crew to visit Cambodia for one day.

According to the report, after docking, the team, including the authorities and all competencies, welcomed the guests and arranged security for the guests at all places that tourists visited very carefully.

The ship is named Norwegian and has a multinational crew of 43 nationalities, equal to 469 people, 93 women, carrying 886 tourists, 458 women, comprising 18 nationalities.

Before arriving in Cambodia, this ship passed through Thailand, and after visiting some tourist sites in Cambodia, it will continue its journey to Vietnam. khmertimeskh

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