Cyprus is getting its own AI taskforce, after the cabinet agreed on Wednesday it was necessary to help prepare the country to address challenges and grasp the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence.
The 11-member taskforce will advise the government on the development, incorporation and implementation of AI in Cyprus, with the aim of enhancing the economy, securing competitiveness and improving the quality of life for all.
Deputy Research Minister Nicodemos Damianou said the taskforce would make recommendations to the president via the deputy minister and would be responsible for drafting the country’s strategy on AI.
It would also determine the sectors in which AI would be useful, suggest ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the public sector, monitor international trends and develop a research and innovation ecosystem in the field of AI.
The government’s head of research, innovation and technology will chair the taskforce and members will be appointed by the cabinet for a five-year term.
Members appointed for the first taskforce include scientists from universities in Cyprus, Greece, Switzerland, the UK and the US.
The cabinet also approved the creation of a governance structure on a national level to observe the implementation of the law, in line with EU regulations.
The commissioners for communications and protection of personal data have been appointed as notifying and market supervisory authorities.