Cambodia has urged India to explore the possibility of building its own technology
SEZ in the Kingdom.
Sun Chanthol, Deputy Prime Minister and First-Vice Chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) yesterday told Devyani Uttam Khobragde, Indian Ambassador to Cambodia who led a delegation to pay a courtesy visit to consider establishing its own technology SEZ in the Kingdom.
During the meeting, Chanthol and Khobragde recalled the past cooperation and good relations between the two nations since the 1950s which made the Indian government decide to continue supporting the infrastructure development and facilitate direct flights from India to the Kingdom.
Based on a CDC press release, the two government representatives further discussed the establishment of the Cambodia-India free trade agreement (FTA) to further strengthen the diplomatic and trade ties between the two nations.
After observing the good cooperation that exists between Cambodia and other countries which led to the establishment of new SEZs including the Cambodia-Japan Special Economic Zone, the Cambodia-UK Green SEZ became a case for pushing the Ambassador to examine the feasibility of building the Cambodia-India SEZ, investing heavily in technology as the core of the project.
Taking this opportunity, the Deputy Prime Minister also requested cooperation from the Ambassador to enable the Cambodia official delegation to travel to India and meet with Indian investors purposely to showcase potential investment locations in the Kingdom.
He further informed about the Cambodian master plan for Indian businessmen to check the possibility of selecting their investment projects listed in the ‘Comprehensive Intermodal Transport and Logistics System Master Plan 2023-2023 (CITSL) which was officially announced on February 20.
During the fourth meeting of the CITSL on Tuesday, Pen Bonea, Minister of Public Works and Transport stressed that that on August 2 last year, the CITLS master plan was officially approved by the government with a total of 174 projects for both soft and hard infrastructures through an investment capital of approximately $36.6 billion for the next decade.The CITSL master plan is a collection of seven integrated master plans such as the development of railways, waterways, ports, logistics, road and air transports, he said.khmertimeskh