A contract for works that will enhance the production capacity of the Asprokremmos refinery by an additional 10,000 cubic metres per day over a period of 12 months, has been signed by the Agriculture Ministry’s Water Development Department and the company Mekel Limited.
According to an announcement by the Department, the contract for the ‘Supply, installation and maintenance of a filter system for the expansion of the Asprokremmos Water Refining Plant’ was signed at the Ministry’s Administration building, on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus by the Deputy Director of the WDD of the Ministry of Water Resources and Environment, George Kazantzis, and on behalf of Mekel Limited, Georgia Konstantinou.
The purpose of the Activated Carbon Filter System is to optimise the physicochemical parametres of the water quality produced by the Asprokremmos Refinery, i.e., among other things, improving water quality by removing both odors and tastes, which are mainly created by organic compounds in the water, and by removing disinfection by-products (trihalomethanes, THMs).
The water at the Refinery comes from the Asprokremmos Dam, which is the second largest dam in capacity in Cyprus, after the Kouris Dam, and from the Kannaviou Dam in the Paphos district.
The Refinery currently supplies drinking water covering the urban and suburban area of Paphos from Kouklia to Ayios Georgios Peyias with a daily supply of 30,000 cubic metres.
Upon completion, which is expected to take 12 months, the system will boost the refinery’s production capacity by 10,000 cubic metres per day, thus increasing the total daily production capacity to 40,000 cubic metres.
The System will process the water coming from the existing aeration system of the Asprokremmos Refinery and, after being treated in the Turbidity Filters and Activated Carbon Filters, it will be received from the final water tank of the Asprokremmos Refinery and will be directed to consumers.
The duration of the Contract is Eighty Four (84) months from the date of its signing, while its amount amounts to a total price of €1,887,065, excluding VAT.
As noted, the project is funded by the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Mechanism under the Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) for Intervention C2.3I.2.a: Water Treatment Plants: Upgrade to improve water quality of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Cyprus.
(Source: InBusinessNews)