
EuroCham backs Cambodia’s efforts to promote investments

EuroCham backs Cambodia’s efforts to promote investments

The European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (EuroCham) recently renewed its commitment to support the efforts of the Royal Government of Cambodia to promote investments from abroad.

The message was conveyed when a delegation from EuroCham called on Sun Chanthol, Deputy Prime Minister and First Vice President of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), on Wednesday.

The delegation, led by Tassilo Brinzer, President of EuroCham, was warmly welcomed by the Deputy Prime Minister during the courtesy call which also provided an opportunity to discuss work, an official statement said.

“The meeting was organized to provide an opportunity for representatives of EuroCham Expert Committee to discuss directly with the leadership of CDC on facilitating investments in Cambodia,” it said.

The meeting discussed the high flexibility now available for speeding up investment flow due to digitalization, such as the reduction of time for completing procedures. The subject also veered around to promoting sustainable and environment-friendly investments.

The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that to strengthen cooperation between the Royal Government and the private sector, the government has established a number of mechanisms such as the Government-Private Sector Forum (G-PSF) and the Cambodia-Japan Joint Committee Meeting.

“The aim is to promote Cambodia as a competitive investment destination by facilitating and finding solutions to issues that are of concern to investors who are investing in Cambodia,” Chanthol said.

The Deputy Prime Minister also thanked all the investors who are members of EuroCham who have strengthened and expanded their business operations and investment projects in Cambodia.

Chanthol added that with a strong will to attract more new investors to Cambodia, CDC will coordinate with representatives of relevant ministries and institutions of the Royal Government to resolve any issues. Challenges cited by the delegation will be addressed in a timely, efficient and effective manner, he assured.

While speaking with Khmer Times yesterday, Brinzer expressed happiness in the opportunity provided by the meeting to further intensify the longstanding relationship with CDC.

“We have a longstanding and very good relationship with the CDC, and I am glad that we will be intensifying this relationship over the coming months and years,” Brinzer noted.

“While one of EuroCham’s main objectives is to bring investment into the country, another very important one is to make doing business easier for those that are here already, so that they can expand and grow their investments and profits,” the EuroCham President further pointed out.

To that end, the delegation shared the EuroCham’s annual White Book with CDC and also some of the recommendations of the sectorial committee for improvements in their areas.
According to Brinzer, as an international business chamber, EuroCham supports the Royal Government by sharing such feedback from members who are invested on the ground, so that the government can guide the economy efficiently.

“This government is clearly listening and is open to dialogue, and we are glad to be able to support relevant initiatives. At the same time, we are able to promote the Kingdom’s efforts to speed up reforms to cater to a regional and international audience and business community,” he said.

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