
Four Cambodian attractions crack TripAdvisor Top 25 Asia rankings

Four Cambodian attractions crack TripAdvisor Top 25 Asia rankings

In a tremendous fillip to the Kingdom’s burgeoning tourism industry, acclaimed travel portal TripAdvisor has ranked Angkor Wat as the number one landmark in the world. The travel planning and booking site granted the top honour to Siem Reap’s prime attraction in Asia as well.

Along with Angkor Wat, the portal also picked three more destinations in the Kingdom for coveted mentions among its Top 25 Destinations in Asia. The other three Cambodian attractions that made the cut are Ta Prohm Temple in 19th place, Bayon Temple in 20th and Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh at 22nd spot.

These attractions are already renowned, and their recognition on a popular platform like TripAdvisor will further enhance their visibility, said Chhay Sivlin, President of the Cambodia Association of Travel Agents (CATA). Being featured on TripAdvisor can attract tourists from around the world who rely on the platform for travel planning.

While Cambodia’s ancient past is a significant draw for tourists, developing modern attractions can diversify the tourism sector and attract a broader range of visitors. Developing modern attractions can help Cambodia appeal to tourists interested in different experiences, such as adventure tourism, luxury travel, eco-tourism, street food, night club and local product souvenirs.

Being listed in top rankings like TripAdvisor’s Best Tourist Attractions is a significant boost for Cambodia’s tourism industry, increasing international visibility and attracting more visitors, said Jeremie Clement, General Manager, Peninsula Phnom Penh. However, achieving sustained growth requires more than just recognition, it hinges on delivering exceptional guest experiences.

While online travel guides and platforms are valuable tools, their focus on popular destinations and attractions can contribute to overtourism, said Catherine Germier-Hamel, Founder and CEO, Millennium Destinations. They may also suggest that Cambodia only has monuments and museums to offer, revealing a lack of diversity that is usually perceived and not real.

Actually there are two main issues, firstly the airfare prices which are expensive compared to neighbouring countries and marketing, said Sokhom Sam OL, Executive Director, Siem Reap Tourism Club Association (STC), raising pressing issues facing the travel sector. Cambodia despite not having many things to offer compared to neighboring countries, does have attractions in addition to temples, Khmer Rouge and nature such as culinary delights and Mice.

Known for its pristine beaches, clear waters, and vibrant marine life, Koh Rong is a paradise for beach lovers and adventure seekers, continued Sivlin. Ideal for eco-tourism and adventure activities, Cardamom Mountains offers trekking, wildlife spotting, and the chance to explore remote villages.

A less-visited temple complex, Banteay Chhmar offers a more intimate and less crowded experience than Angkor Wat. Known for its waterfalls, ancient ruins, and beautiful scenery, Phnom Kulen National Park is a great spot for hiking and exploring.

While Cambodia’s rich landmarks are compelling, tourists prioritise factors like modern amenities, accessibility, comfortable facilities (such as modern toilets and quality roads), and authentic cultural experiences, continued Clement. Cleanliness is also crucial, as tourists value clean environments that enhance their overall experience and willingness to recommend Cambodia to others.

Addressing these aspects effectively poses a challenge but is essential for ensuring visitor satisfaction, fostering positive reviews, and encouraging repeat visits.

Among the world’s top travel guidance platforms, TripAdvisor conducts an annual awards exercise to identify the most popular travel trends globally. It analyses reviews and ratings to zero in on the most favoured destinations by travellers the entire year.

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