Recognising the vital role of official development assistance (ODA), the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) organised a consultative discussion to finalise the draft guideline for partnership mechanisms and tools to strengthen relationships with development actors that will contribute significantly to socio-economic development.
Rith Vuthy, Secretary-General of the Cambodian Development and Cooperation Board (CDCB) of CDC on Friday chaired a meeting physically and virtually on the Guidelines Partnership Mechanisms, Tool of the Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy (DCPS) 2024-2028 in Phnom Penh.
On the discussion table, Vuthy emphasised the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (RGC) commitment to recognising the vital role of ODA as well as strengthening cooperation with all development actors aims to help the socio-economic progress in line with national development goals and transition away from begin classified as a least developed country (LDC) to achieve the agenda for 2030 and 2050.
The CDCB Secretary-General said that on December 29 last year, RGC decided to implement the DCPS 2024-2028 and the main purpose of today’s meeting was to discuss, collect inputs and gather recommendations for the finalization of the draft guidelines.
“To support the effective and inclusive implementation of the strategy, the government has prepared guidelines on partnership mechanisms and tools aimed at strengthening partnerships with development actors and promoting transparency, accountability and effectiveness in development cooperation,” he added.
According to a CDC press release, the consultation successfully discussed and gathered fruitful inputs plus recommendations from relevant ministries and development partners for the revision of the draft guidelines.
Vuthy expressed his strong belief that this discussion will contribute to further strengthening the strong cooperation between RGC and all relevant stakeholders which significantly contributes to the socio-economic development of Cambodia in this seventh legislature of the National Assembly.
The meeting was participated by the high-level representatives of RGC, the Capital-Provincial Board of Governors along with all development partners both in person and online, a total of about 100 attendees.
The DCPS 2024-2028 is designed to support the implementation of the Pentagonal Strategy – Phase One and the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) through mobilising and managing all development finance flow, ensuring that all resources are used for maximum effectiveness. (khmertimeskh)