
Intl tourist revenue grows 34% in Siem Reap

Intl tourist revenue grows 34% in Siem Reap

In the first seven months of 2024, Cambodia earned more than $27 million from ticket sales to tourists visiting Angkor Wat Archaeological Park, Koh Ker temple and Chong Kneas floating village in Siem Reap province.

The figures came yesterday from an Angkor Enterprise press release detailing statistics on foreign tourists visiting various attractions.

Angkor Enterprise said that from January to July this year, a total of 484,375 foreign tourists bought tickets to visit Angkor Wat park, an increase of 33% increase in visitors compare to the same period last year. Earnings also increased 33.76%, or by $27,177,430.

It noted that in July, Angkor Enterprise earned $2,819,735 from ticket sales to 62,425 foreign tourists visiting Angkor Wat park.

Meanwhile, revenue from ticket sales to 11,821 visitors to Koh Ker temple was $177,315. Revenue from ticket sales to visitors to Chong Kneas floating village was $473,622.

It said that during the first seven months of the year, Angkor Enterprise donated $1,168,750 to Kantha Bopha Hospital from ticket revenue to support healthcare for children.

As of the last week of the month, from July 22 to 28, Cambodia saw about 274,675 national tourists and 56,423 foreign tourists travelling around the country.

A total of 466 international flights arrived in Cambodia during the last week of July, including 345 to Phnom Penh International Airport, 102 to Siem Reap Angkor International Airport and 19 to Sihanoukville International Airport.

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