Cashing in on the global exposure of an international event in the Kingdom, authorities are pinning hopes on the Siem Reap-Angkor Summit on a Mine-Free World to boost tourism. The high-profile event is scheduled for November 25-29 in Siem Reap province.
According to Deputy Secretary General of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) Tep Kalyan, the very act of prefixing the words Siem Reap-Angkor to the title of the event will automatically boost the perception of the place in the minds of the delegates.
A total of 164 countries will participate in the meeting which has the objective of devising a five-year strategic action plan for demining activities. The Siem Reap-Angkor prefix will go a long way in promoting the globally renowned tourist destination on the international stage among readers and users.
Senior Minister Ly Thuch, CMAA’s First Vice President said that Siem Reap is an appropriate venue for an event of this nature given the fact that it used to be a minefield itself in another era.
However, now not only has it transitioned into a mine-free area but has also earned the distinction of becoming the most visited tourist destination in the Kingdom.
Thuch also exuded confidence that the superlative hospitality standards and robust security for tourists in the home of Angkor Wat would help in creating a remarkable experience and memory for the participants. Not only would they receive an education on Cambodia’s struggles to become free of mines but they would carry beautiful memories of Siem Reap.
“The summit will help Cambodia reinforce its image about Cambodia now becoming landmine-free,” Phillip Kao, President of Siem Reap Tourism Club told Khmer Times yesterday. It will also be an opportunity to introduce it as a safe country and a nation with great hospitality and many attractions for tourists to discover. They should be able to travel to Cambodia without any worry at all.
The government always offers a great quality of experiences to international guests. Participants will carry fond memories for a lifetime which will convert them into becoming marketers and brand ambassadors of our country. This is called the power of word of mouth marketing, Kao added.
“The level of safety and security is a key criterion for successful tourism marketing,” said Stefan Hanselmann, Director GIZ ICONE. The historic legacy of landmines may not be strongly present in the minds of tourists visiting Cambodia, but with the promotion of new tourism products beyond the temples of Angkor Wat, the issue of undiscovered landmines may gain importance. Therefore, addressing this issue and continuing with the successful de-mining operations will greatly contribute to one important aspect of a safe and healthy tourism experience.
Tourist safety was on the agenda of a seminar in Siem Reap on Wednesday, “Promoting of tourism safety reinforcement”. Secretary of State of the Ministry of Tourism Hor Sarun urged stakeholders to ensure that all tourists, both domestic and foreign are assured of safety and security in the opening ceremony of the event.
Sarun in his address said that security and safety of tourists are common issues that require united efforts from institutions and tourism service providers to unite on to ensure that tourists are safe. Nor should they break the law during their visit.

(Source: khmertimeskh)