Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) have reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Business Collaboration to promote trade, investment and economic cooperation between the two countries.
The MoU was signed in Melbourne, Australia yesterday under the witness of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet, following the Australia-Cambodia Business Forum held on the side-lines of ASEAN-Australia Special Summit to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations.
Under the MoU, CCC and VCCI agreed to develop ongoing exchange of trade and investment information (subject to confidentiality requirements), and implement referral mechanisms and servicing members of each organisation to support business between the respective countries.
CCC and VCCI will also offer assistance and support to trade and investment missions arranged by each respective organisation, and promote Trade Fairs and other special events conducted by the two sides.
Moreover, CCC and VCCI will exchange of ideas and information on a periodical basis to further improve mutual collaboration, subject to confidentiality requirements.AKP khmertimeskh