Heng Sour, the Labour Minister,
has urged all parties, including partner organizations, unions and employers, to further improve the field of industrial relations so that Cambodia can maintain its attractiveness for investment.
The minister addresses at the annual job forum on “Progress of the Cambodian Business Relationship and Vision for the Future” organized by the Federation of Employers and Business Associations of Cambodia (CAMFEBA) on February 21, 2024.
He stressed the necessity and importance of the three parties to promote the field of industrial relations in Cambodia by adhering to Cambodian laws and regulations to give all parties, both employers and workers, acceptable direction of the ministry, which has the role of maintaining the balance of professional relations without missing any partner for harmonization in the enterprise.
In addition, the minister highlighted the Ministry’s priority attention to working conditions, increasing employment opportunities and a good working environment, strengthening the harmonization of industrial relations and vocational and technical training to respond to the current situation of the labor market in Cambodia and global economic integration.
In addition, Heng Sour stated that the ministry has considered and set the direction to strengthen the quality of labor inspection to make all parties trust, which is the key to improving industrial relations. khmertimeskh