Cham Nimul, Minister of Commerce, on May 27, presided over the opening ceremony of the seminar on “Beyond Borders: Bringing Cambodian Products to Global Markets through, ”which was attended by leaders of the Ministry of Commerce, representatives of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, Alibaba, and many national and international guests.
Speaking on the occasion, to promote the use of as well as the reputation and export of Cambodian products, the Minister made some recommendations, including:
1. Prepare guidelines and short videos on how to use to make the private sector, especially small and medium enterprises in Cambodia, easy to understand and use.
2. Promote widespread outreach and facilitate coordination so that the private sector and businesses with potential products can meet the requirements and be able to export through this mechanism.
3. Continue to partner with to monitor and analyse market demand to further inform the Cambodian private sector and business to be prepared and considerate in supplying the products that customers need now and in the future.
4. Continue to disseminate training and provide technical advice to mobilise and facilitate the participation of Cambodian businesses in this mechanism.
5. Ministries, institutions, and the local and international private sector continue to work closely to promote trade and business in Cambodia.
At the same time, the Minister also requested and encouraged companies as well as small and medium enterprises in Cambodia to submit Cambodian products, use the Cambodia Trade Free Market, and learn about the possibility of joining to market and promote the export of Cambodian products to other international markets to support and further promote the use of e-commerce, as well as promote the reputation of Cambodian products to be more competitive and recognise their standard quality from international consumers. (khmertimeskh)