
Ministry of Tourism to strengthen the quality of tourism business to celebrate Khmer New Year

Ministry of Tourism to strengthen the quality of tourism business to celebrate Khmer New Year

In order to contribute to the promotion of Cambodia’s prestige and resilience by turning Cambodia into a leading global tourism destination with diversity, full of opportunities, and warmth, and to celebrate the traditional Khmer New Year from April 13–16, 2024, the Ministry of Tourism instructed the Capital and Provincial Departments of Tourism to continue to introduce all tourism service business establishments.

According to the instruction of the Ministry of Tourism on April 1, the Department of Tourism of the Capital and Provinces must continue to guide all tourism service businesses, such as: providing good cooperation with the competent authorities at all levels to ensure security, safety, public order, and cleanliness, especially for some services that require high attention to safety, such as tourist transportation, sport tourism, and adventure tourism activities.

The Ministry said that it is necessary to provide adequate parking for tourists who come to receive their services by informing guests about the location that can be used as a parking lot (with a sign) and must not allow unregulated parking and affect traffic on public roads.

The ministry also stated that the outside of the establishment must be decorated with lights and a display of the Cambodian flag. Inside the establishment, images of His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni, Cambodia’s King, King Father Norodom Sihanouk, and Her Majesty Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk must be displayed.

The inside and outside of the business must be decorated to reflect the Khmer culture, Khmer identity, or special identity of the province without deviating from the traditional Khmer customs, including decoration with national flags, religious flags, royal flags, banners, slogans, and lanterns, especially coloured lights. khmertimeskh

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