For the second consecutive year, the University of Nicosia and Junior Achievement Cyprus co-organised the World Conference on Business Education, with the theme “Development of Business Skills”.
This event took place on March 1, at the University of Nicosia and was held under the auspices of the Minister of Education, Sport and Youth, Athena Michaelidou.
Given that 2023 has been designated as the European Commission’s Year of Skills, this year’s conference focused on developing business skills.
An announcement released this week explained that in recent decades, entrepreneurship education has garnered considerable interest and excitement, chiefly because of its potential to stimulate economic growth, job creation, social adjustment, personal development, and the enhancement of interpersonal relationships and equity within educational settings.
Entrepreneurship, the announcement continued, is fundamentally dynamic, involving creation, change, and visionary thinking. It involves processes of development, creativity, and innovation, requiring both energy and passion to implement innovative ideas and creative solutions that improve working and living conditions.
Furthermore, entrepreneurship offers equal development opportunities to all individuals and can be cultivated as a lifestyle choice for those seeking successful careers and lives.
Based on research that confirms its teachability, entrepreneurship has been seamlessly integrated into educational programs at all levels, adapting to market needs and national educational contexts.
The 2nd World Conference on Entrepreneurship Education explored the scientific theories underpinning entrepreneurship education, current trends, and challenges in entrepreneurship education and its application at various educational levels.
Through this exploration, participants gained valuable knowledge about developing their entrepreneurial skills through engaging discussions and presentations.
Additionally, distinguished experts in business education shared their research and practices at the conference.
Lastly, it is worth noting that Junior Achievement Cyprus is a member of the global non-profit organisation JA Worldwide and specialises in entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and labour market education. Cyprus Mail