
Yet another chance to watch equinox sunrise at Angkor Wat

Yet another chance to watch equinox sunrise at Angkor Wat

Come Thursday, the world famous Angkor Wat will delight visitors again with its equinox sunrise.

During the equinox, the sun aligns with the highest point of the Angkor Wat, a unique scene that can be watched from the central gate (the main western gate).

Many tourists visit Angkor Wat during equinox to watch the sunrise appearing on the pyramid shaped central spire of Angkor Wat.

Long Kosal, spokesman of ANA, said, “Every time we have this event, there will be an increase in national and international guests because they want to witness an amazing and incomparable view of sun rising on top of the temple,” noting that it is a legacy of the Khmer ancestors.

He urged those who are planning to visit the Angkor Wat on Thursday to stay hydrated as there is a rise in temperature. “Drink plenty of water to stay healthy,” he added.

The equinox occurs twice a year; Vernal Equinox that happens in March, and Autumnal Equinox in September.

According to the APSARA National Authority (ANA), it is the time that tourists always look forward to visiting the UNESCO heritage site.

Unlike certain typical months when the day is longer than the night or the night is longer than the day, the equinox is the period when day and night are roughly equal in duration.

The Facebook page of ANA read, “The equinox unrise at Angkor Wat is not accidental; it is the gift of the Khmer forefathers and their architectural skills.”

Last year, about 9,000 people—including 2,226 foreign visitors—gathered at Angkor Wat to view the sequinox sunrise on March 21.

Angkor Wat temple, the world’s largest religious structure, was built in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II (reigned 1113–c. 1150). khmertimeskh

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